School Safety
In Westwood Secondary School, we believe in providing our students and staff with a safe and secure environment for holistic development and work. To achieve this purpose, we seek strong collaboration with parents and the community.
Safety policies and Guidelines are communicated to all staff and pupils at the beginning of each work year.
The School Safety Committee, headed by a Vice-Principal and assisted by various HODs, oversees the development and review of all school safety matters.
- Safety briefings are conducted to all students on the following areas:
- Safety in school e.g. in Special Rooms, during Recess, during Physical Activities and Road safety in the school compound.
- Safety outside school e.g. while commuting to and from school using public, private transport or by cycling, during Learning Journeys, Outdoor Camps and Overseas Trips.
- Exemptions due to medical reasons - Medical clearance obtained for severely overweight and underweight pupils from the School Health Service before engaging them in any health programme.
- Inclement weather (Lightning, Haze).
- Heat related (Heat stroke/Heat exhaustion) and other injuries.
- Waterborne activities.
- Use of sports equipment.
- National School Games.
- Standard Operating Procedures for emergencies in both indoor and outdoor settings are updated and reviewed on a regular basis.
- Minimum of 2 adult supervisors observed for activities that need close supervisions (e.g Learning Journey, adventure training).
- All outdoor adventure facilities and conduct of activities are endorsed by PSOEB and are conducted in accordance to the relevant Standard Operating Procedures and/or guidelines for the specified activities.
- Risk Assessment Management System (RAMS) is conducted prior to any activities, by a team of staff, including service providers/local guides (if applicable), who collectively have adequate knowledge of the nature of the activity and the environment involved.
- All students are insured under the NTUC Income Group Personal Accident Insurance Plan for Students.
- Emergency evacuation drills are conducted to familiarise students with real-time emergencies.
- School staff are trained and certified in First-Aid, CPR and AED.
Please download Westwood Secondary School Traffic Management Plan here
The school seeks to collaborate with community partners in training and disseminating messages on safety, security and emergency preparedness:
- The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) in conducting fire evacuation drills for the school population and the Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) to train school staff in basic First-Aid, CPR and firefighting skills.
- The Singapore Police Force (SPF) on SGSecure matters.
- The Singapore Road Safety Council, Traffic Police, Land Transport Authority and Town Council on road safety matters.
For further information and clarifications, please do contact us via email [email protected] or call us at 6792 9737.